Report by Donald M. Ricks, Webmaster, Longtrip.org

While the Tropicana Hotel staff begins to consider damage control we are going to move forward and let that situation rest, as far as this report goes. At the CAC web site there are a few remarks in the newsletter and nothing we did or failed to do contributed to the hotel’s problem. We went to Las Vegas, we had a mildly successful reunion (thanks to our leaders making quick arrangements and living with the issue without anger), and everyone made it safely back to their homes. Thanks to the efforts of Terry, Grant, Joe, Allen, Jack and several others from the Long Thanh North committee we came together and did our best under the circumstances. What follows are photographs from the reunion and that in spite of the first two days lost in a hazy mist there were still smiles:

L–R, front row: Jack Watson , Joe Tilghman, John Moore, Peter Faber, David Heebner, Jerry Robelen.L–R, second row: Dave Barlow, Craig Herget, Alan Smith, Bob Kirksey, Garnett Crask, Grant Ferreira, Bill Ipock, Don Ricks, and Linwood Stevenson (missing is Ken Fender). Jimmy Johnson who arrived but immediately retuned to be with his son who was involved in an accident would have made seventeen attendees. If anyone got a photo of Jimmy, pleasec send it in.



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